James Trading Comany
James Trading Company


Diatomaceous Earth Fd Grd 4lb

SKU #0841460 Model #DE-FG4P UPC #072725004083
Regular Price
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diatomaceous earth fd grd 4lb - Description

Harris food-grade diatomaceous earth (DE) is composed of 100% ground freshwater DE, with no additives. The product is made of the naturally occurring fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of algae that forms in freshwater. These remains are ground up into a soft, fine white powder that carry many different uses. It's chemical-free and completely safe to use around children and pets. Harris diatomaceous earth is listed with the organic minerals research institute (OMRI) for organic use. It's mined in Nevada and packaged in Georgia in a 4 lb airtight bag. Included in the bag is a powder duster, allowing for easy application of a fine dusting of powder.